SWAMP Setup. Step by Step.

Use these steps to setup SelfStorageSMS in your SWAMP software.

In the SWAMP software, select "Maintenance".

Select "SelfStorageSMS Setup".

  1. Enter the API Username and API Password created during the SelfStorageSMS FREE TRIAL sign-up.
  2. Select "Test Connection".
  3. If the test is successful, select the Exit icon to save your work.

Select the Exit icon.

Select "Activities".

Under SelfStorageSMS, select "Update Values".

  1. Select "Set All Text".
  2. Select "Set All Phone".
  3. Select "Set All EMail".
  4. Select the Exit icon to save your work.

Select the Exit icon.

Select "Reminders".

Select "Add New".

  1. Select the Action "SelfStorageSMS Send Rent Roll".
  2. Select the When "On Shutdown".
  3. Select the Order "1".
  4. Select the Frequency "Daily" and "1".
  5. Select the Exit icon to save your work.

Select "Add New".

  1. Select the Action "SelfStorageSMS Get Notes".
  2. Select the When "On Startup".
  3. Select the Order "4".
  4. Select the Frequency "Daily" and "1".
  5. Select the Exit icon to save your work.

Select the Exit icon.

You are done!